Assembly Top in PCB: What It Is and How It Works
February 10, 2024

Assembly Top in PCB: What It Is and How It Works

Assembly top in PCB refers to the process of placing electronic components on the top side of a printed circuit board (PCB). This is done after the through-hole components have been soldered onto the bottom side of the PCB. The assembly top process is a critical step in PCB manufacturing, as it involves placing and soldering surface mount technology (SMT) components onto the board.

Components arranged on a printed circuit board (PCB) for assembly

The assembly top process requires precision and accuracy to ensure that the components are placed in the correct location and orientation. This is typically done using automated pick-and-place machines, which can place hundreds or even thousands of components per hour. Once the components are placed, they are soldered onto the board using a reflow oven or other soldering equipment. The end result is a fully assembled PCB that is ready for testing and use in electronic devices.

Basics of PCB Assembly

Components placed on PCB, solder paste applied, reflow soldering, inspection, final testing

PCB assembly is the process of attaching electronic components to a printed circuit board (PCB). This process involves multiple steps and requires specialized equipment and expertise. The following paragraphs will provide an overview of the basic steps involved in PCB assembly.

The first step in PCB assembly is to prepare the PCB. This involves applying a layer of solder paste to the board’s surface, which will be used to attach the components. The solder paste is then heated, causing it to melt and form a bond with the components.

Once the PCB is prepared, the components are placed onto the board using a pick-and-place machine. This machine uses a robotic arm to pick up the components and place them in the correct location on the board. The components are held in place by the solder paste.

After the components are placed, the PCB is heated in a reflow oven. This causes the solder paste to melt and form a permanent bond between the components and the board. The reflow oven is carefully controlled to ensure that the PCB is heated to the correct temperature for the correct amount of time.

Finally, the PCB is inspected to ensure that all components are properly attached and that there are no defects. This inspection can be done manually or using automated equipment. Any defects are identified and corrected before the PCB is shipped.

PCB assembly is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. The basic steps involve preparing the PCB, placing the components, heating the PCB in a reflow oven, and inspecting the finished product.

Components of the Assembly Top

The top assembly of the PCB includes various components such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and connectors arranged in a specific layout

The assembly top is an essential component in the manufacturing process of printed circuit boards (PCBs). It is responsible for holding all the necessary components in place during the assembly process. The following are the components of the assembly top:

1. Frame

The frame is the outermost component of the assembly top. It is usually made of aluminum or steel and is designed to provide rigidity and support to the assembly top. The frame is responsible for holding all the other components together and ensuring that they remain in place during the assembly process.

2. Vacuum Plate

The vacuum plate is a flat surface that is used to hold the PCB in place during the assembly process. It is made of a non-conductive material, such as plastic or rubber, and has small holes that allow air to be sucked out. This creates a vacuum that holds the PCB in place.

3. Fiducials

Fiducials are small marks or features that are used to align the PCB with the assembly top. They are usually circular or square in shape and are placed on the PCB before the assembly process begins. The fiducials are detected by a camera or sensor, which allows the assembly machine to align the PCB with the assembly top accurately.

4. Components

The components are the actual parts that are being assembled onto the PCB. They can be in the form of surface-mount devices (SMDs) or through-hole components. The assembly top holds these components in place during the assembly process, ensuring that they are accurately placed on the PCB.

In conclusion, the assembly top is an essential component in the manufacturing process of PCBs. It is made up of several components, including the frame, vacuum plate, fiducials, and components. These components work together to ensure that the assembly process is accurate and efficient.

Soldering Techniques

Soldering iron melts metal onto PCB top for assembly

Reflow Soldering

Reflow soldering is a popular technique for surface mount components on PCBs. In this technique, solder paste is applied to the PCB pads, and the components are placed on top of it. The PCB is then heated in a reflow oven to melt the solder paste and create a strong bond between the components and the PCB. Reflow soldering is a precise and efficient technique that can produce high-quality solder joints.

Wave Soldering

Wave soldering is a technique used to solder through-hole components on PCBs. In this technique, the PCB is passed over a wave of molten solder, which creates a strong bond between the components and the PCB. Wave soldering is a fast and efficient technique that can produce high-quality solder joints. However, it is not suitable for surface mount components.

Selective Soldering

Selective soldering is a technique used to solder specific components on a PCB. In this technique, a machine applies solder to specific areas of the PCB, and the components are placed on top of it. The PCB is then heated to melt the solder and create a strong bond between the components and the PCB. Selective soldering is a precise and efficient technique that can produce high-quality solder joints.

Overall, the choice of soldering technique depends on the type of components and the complexity of the PCB. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to choose the right technique for the job.

Surface Mount Technology (SMT)

Surface Mount Technology (SMT) is a method of mounting electronic components onto printed circuit boards (PCBs). It is a widely used technology in the electronics industry due to its ability to produce high-density PCBs with smaller components.

SMT components are mounted directly onto the surface of the PCB, unlike through-hole technology where components are mounted by inserting leads through holes in the PCB. This allows for a more compact design and better utilization of space on the PCB.

SMT components come in a variety of sizes ranging from large components such as connectors and power devices to very small components such as resistors and capacitors. Due to the small size of SMT components, they require specialized equipment to place them accurately on the PCB.

SMT technology has several advantages over through-hole technology, including lower cost, faster assembly times, and better performance due to shorter signal paths. It is also easier to automate the assembly process using SMT technology, which can result in higher production volumes and lower costs.

In conclusion, SMT technology is a widely used method of mounting electronic components onto PCBs. It offers several advantages over through-hole technology, including higher density, better performance, and lower cost.

Through-Hole Technology (THT)

Through-Hole Technology (THT) is a method of placing electronic components on a printed circuit board (PCB). This method involves drilling holes into the PCB and inserting the leads of the components through the holes. The leads are then soldered to the opposite side of the board, providing a secure and reliable connection.

One advantage of THT is that it allows for larger and more robust components to be used, as the leads can be thicker and stronger than those used in Surface Mount Technology (SMT). This makes THT ideal for applications that require high power or high voltage components.

However, THT does have some limitations. It is more time-consuming and labor-intensive than SMT, as each component must be inserted and soldered individually. THT also requires more space on the PCB, as the holes and leads take up more room than SMT components.

Despite these limitations, THT remains a popular choice for certain applications, such as in industrial and automotive electronics. It provides a reliable and sturdy connection that can withstand harsh environments and high temperatures.

Placement Accuracy and Techniques

Placement accuracy is a critical factor in the assembly of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Even minor errors in component placement can lead to significant problems, such as incorrect circuit function, signal interference, and reduced reliability. Therefore, it is essential to use proper techniques for component placement to ensure the accuracy of the assembly.

One of the most common techniques for placement accuracy is using a pick-and-place machine. This machine can accurately place components on the PCB according to the design specifications. The machine can also detect any errors in the placement and notify the operator to correct them. This technique is particularly useful for high-volume production runs.

Another technique for placement accuracy is using a stencil to apply solder paste to the PCB. The stencil ensures that the solder paste is applied only to the correct locations on the PCB, reducing the risk of errors in component placement. This technique is commonly used for surface-mount technology (SMT) components.

In addition to using proper techniques, it is also essential to ensure that the components are properly oriented and aligned during placement. This can be achieved by using tools such as tweezers, magnifying glasses, and alignment jigs. It is also important to ensure that the PCB surface is clean and free of any debris or contaminants that could interfere with the placement accuracy.

Overall, proper placement accuracy techniques are critical for ensuring the functionality and reliability of PCB assemblies. By using the proper tools and techniques, manufacturers can ensure that their PCBs are assembled accurately and efficiently.

Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)

Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) is a crucial process in the assembly of printed circuit boards (PCBs). AOI is a non-contact inspection method that uses cameras and lighting to detect defects in the PCBs.

AOI systems can detect a wide range of defects, including missing components, incorrect components, incorrect polarity, and solder defects. AOI is also capable of inspecting fine-pitch components and complex PCBs with multiple layers.

AOI systems use a combination of algorithms and software to analyze the images captured by the cameras. The software compares the images to the original design files to detect any discrepancies. AOI systems can also be programmed to detect specific defects based on customer requirements.

One of the main advantages of AOI is its speed and accuracy. AOI systems can inspect PCBs at a high rate of speed, which helps to increase production efficiency. AOI also reduces the risk of human error, as it is a fully automated process.

In conclusion, Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) is an essential process in the assembly of printed circuit boards (PCBs). AOI systems use cameras and lighting to detect defects in PCBs, and the software compares the images to the original design files to detect any discrepancies. AOI is a fast, accurate, and reliable process that helps to increase production efficiency and reduce the risk of human error.

Quality Control and Testing

In-Circuit Testing

In-circuit testing is a crucial step in ensuring the quality of assembly top in PCB. This testing method involves checking the electrical characteristics of individual components and their connections on the board. The test is performed while the board is powered on and in operation, allowing for the detection of any faults or defects that may not be apparent during visual inspection.

During in-circuit testing, the board is probed at specific points using specialized equipment that can detect any anomalies in the electrical signals. This method allows for the detection of issues such as open circuits, short circuits, and incorrect component values. The results of the test are analyzed to identify any issues and make the necessary corrections.

Functional Testing

Functional testing is another critical step in ensuring the quality of assembly top in PCB. This testing method involves verifying that the board performs its intended function correctly. The test is performed using a set of pre-defined test cases that simulate real-world scenarios.

During functional testing, the board is subjected to a series of tests to verify that all components are working correctly and that the board is performing as expected. This testing method is used to detect any issues that may have been missed during the in-circuit testing phase.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the testing process, it is essential to use specialized equipment and software tools. The results of the tests are analyzed, and any issues are addressed before the board is released for use.

Overall, the quality control and testing phase is a critical step in ensuring the reliability and functionality of assembly top in PCB. By using specialized equipment and software tools, manufacturers can detect and correct any issues before the board is released for use, ensuring that the final product meets the required specifications.

Design for Manufacturability (DFM)

Design for Manufacturability (DFM) is a critical aspect of the assembly top process in PCB. It refers to the practice of designing PCBs in a way that makes them easy and cost-effective to manufacture.

DFM involves several factors, including the choice of components, the layout of the board, and the manufacturing process itself. By taking these factors into account during the design phase, PCB manufacturers can significantly reduce the risk of errors, delays, and extra costs during assembly.

One important aspect of DFM is component selection. Choosing components that are readily available and easy to handle can greatly simplify the assembly process. Additionally, selecting components that are compatible with the manufacturing process can help to avoid errors and reduce the need for rework.

Another critical factor in DFM is the layout of the board. By designing the board with the manufacturing process in mind, engineers can reduce the risk of errors and ensure that the board is easy to assemble. This can involve considerations such as the placement of components, the routing of traces, and the use of vias.

Finally, the manufacturing process itself is an essential aspect of DFM. By using manufacturing processes that are well-suited to the design of the board, manufacturers can ensure that the board is produced quickly and with a high level of quality. This can involve processes such as surface mount technology (SMT), through-hole technology (THT), and automated optical inspection (AOI).

Overall, DFM is a critical aspect of the assembly top process in PCB. By designing boards with manufacturing in mind, engineers can reduce the risk of errors, delays, and extra costs, and ensure that their boards are produced quickly and with a high level of quality.

Thermal Management in PCB Assembly

Thermal management is a critical aspect of PCB assembly. It involves the management of heat generated by electronic components during operation. Failure to manage heat can lead to component failure, reduced performance, and even complete system failure.

One way to manage heat in PCB assembly is through the use of thermal vias. These are small holes drilled into the PCB that allow heat to dissipate from the components to the other side of the board. This helps to prevent hot spots and ensures that the temperature of the PCB remains within safe limits.

Another way to manage heat is through the use of heat sinks. These are passive cooling devices that absorb and dissipate heat away from the components. Heat sinks can be made from a variety of materials, including aluminum and copper, and come in different shapes and sizes depending on the specific application.

It is also important to consider the placement of components on the PCB. Placing high-power components in close proximity to each other can lead to localized heating and hot spots. By spreading out the components and ensuring proper airflow, heat can be more effectively dissipated.

Overall, effective thermal management is essential for the reliable operation of PCB assemblies. By using thermal vias, heat sinks, and carefully considering component placement, designers can ensure that their PCBs operate within safe temperature ranges and maintain optimal performance.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When working with assembly top in PCB, there are several common issues that may arise. Here are some of the most frequent problems and how to troubleshoot them:


One of the most common issues with assembly top in PCB is misalignment. This can occur when the components are not properly aligned with the pads on the board. To troubleshoot this issue, check the following:

  • Verify that the placement machine is properly calibrated.
  • Check that the component reels are loaded correctly.
  • Ensure that the component reels are not empty or running low on components.
  • Inspect the board for any damage or defects that may be causing the misalignment.

Solder Bridges

Another common issue with assembly top in PCB is solder bridges. This occurs when there is too much solder between two adjacent pads, causing a short circuit. To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

  • Inspect the board under a microscope to identify the location of the solder bridge.
  • Use a soldering iron or wick to remove the excess solder.
  • Verify that the pads are properly spaced and aligned.


Tombstoning is another issue that can occur with assembly top in PCB. This happens when one end of a component lifts off the board during reflow, causing it to stand up like a tombstone. To troubleshoot this issue, consider the following:

  • Verify that the placement machine is calibrated correctly.
  • Check that the component reels are loaded correctly.
  • Ensure that the components are not too small or light for the board.
  • Inspect the board for any damage or defects that may be causing the tombstoning.

By being aware of these common issues and troubleshooting them accordingly, you can ensure that your assembly top in PCB is successful and error-free.